Monday, June 10, 2019

Brand story dicussion questions chapter 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brand story dicussion questions chapter 6 - Essay ExampleTheir constantly analogous product offerings and the customers satisfaction associated with them ensures a steady demand for their products.A & F uses many aspects of branding its products that be memorable. The first of these is their prominent swipe logo which consumers learn to associate and identify with the brand. Secondly, their use of sexuality and appealing advertising which they incorporate by the use of attractive models makes them memorable. These images are used on their shopping bags as well as in stock certificate pictures making it easy for consumers to associate and identity a A & F products.Adding retail store atmospherics to strengthen a brand message is something A & F has effectively been able to do over the years. Their aim by incorporating elements like music, posy and lighting that is soothing and attractive is to give their customers a full brand experience. It differentiates them from their competi tors and they are hence recognized for providing these elements.A possible disadvantage of doing so could be due to the strong use of sexuality and nudity to market their products can raise concerns as some parents would not want their impressionable children to be conquer to such advertising. Also the strong cologne, loud music and harsh lighting can make it an unattractive option for some customers who chance it distracting.I find the atmosphere and the use of loud music, strong fragrances and dim lighting as negative aspects of A&Fs shopping experience. I find that these aspects are overdone and unnecessary and constitute to a sensory overload and distraction. Also, I find the use of extremely good looking models as an intimidating aspect. It is no doubt a effective advertising tactic the use of attractive models exuding sex appeal and an direct association of these elements to the brand leading the customers to believe a purchase of their

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